This report, Do This In Memory of Me: Christians Formed and Transformed by the Eucharist (DTMM), which comes on the heels of the fortieth anniversary of the dialogue between Disciples of Christ and the Catholic Church, like the first four, is mutually respectful in tone, especially stressing areas of agreement and convergence while occasionally noting differences. The Commission studied and discussed twenty-one “theological and biblical papers” delivered by its members during the roughly five-year period of the fifth phase. “Questions were formulated by each team for the other and responses were prepared expressing, as much as possible, each ecclesial tradition” (DTMM, 102). In addition, members highlighted the importance of experiencing the liturgies and practices of one another’s churches “from the inside.” As indicated in the final report:

The reflections offered are the result of a distinctive process marked by seeking to share, as far as possible, an “inside experience” of one another’s eucharistic liturgies, practice, and understanding. The attempt was to enter into the “eucharistic world of each church” by rediscovering the profound sense of the eucharistic liturgy in itself, especially in its formative and transformative components. The Commission is convinced that by rediscovering the inner power of the liturgy, a growing awareness of one another’s faith and practice could be achieved, especially in our common commitment to and particular experience of the weekly celebration of the Eucharist (§56).

From Rev. Dr. Mark G. Toulouse, Commentary on the DTMM Download

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